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Our Projects

  • IMG_6570
    Inclusive education
  • EPV
    Vocational Education and Training
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  • Shift
    Shift EDU

    ICT integration in all spheres of activity and digital skills are important factors for the development of any country in the information age. The dynamic pace of changes, including on the job market (the expansion of the ICT sector; the growing demand for engineers and data analysts, for digital skills – a key competence for […]

  • tic
    Advancing Quality

    Advancing Quality in ICT Vocational Education in Moldova Computer Science College of Chisinau is member of the project Advancing Quality in ICT Vocational Education in Moldova implemented by Educational Centre PRO DIDACTICA and National Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC) and financial support ADC(AUSTRIAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION) Contribution of ADC:  505.750 € Total project budget:   540.697 […]

  • econet
    Training Firm

    Training Firm Network and Economic Orientation of Professional Schools  Objectives: The project aims to implement the model of „training firms“ in a number of pilot schools in Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. In a medium perspective, this practice oriented teaching method should be incorporated in the respective curricula. Description: Students establish practice firms, which act on […]

  • orange_lab
    Orange Lab

    The Orange Foundation launched a national project to support digital education in Moldova. Thus, under the umbrella of Orange Digital School, several major projects will be implemented, which will ensure access to modern infrastructure, professional expertise and quality education in the field of information technologies in our country’s education. The grandiose project was launched on […]

  • parteneriate_calitate
    Quality Partnerships

    On January 29, 2016, the Project “Partnerships for the quality and relevance of professional technical education in the field of ICT in the Republic of Moldova” was launched. The event took place in the premises of the Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies, one of the main beneficiaries of the planned interventions. The […]