Vocational Education and Training
The aim is to develop the life skills of the VET students (boys and girls, including vulnerable and disabled) to practice safe reproductive health behaviors and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Implemented by: United Nations Population Fund in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.
Financed by:
Austrian Development Agency from the funds of the Austrian Development Cooperation program
Period of implementation: 3 years (2020 –2022)
Beneficiaries (people):
- 6.000 students(including 95 with disabilities)
- 70 % of students from 12 VET institutions
- Professors who teach the class "Decisions for a healthy way of life"
Teaching staff from 12 beneficiary VET institutions. Teachers who teach the subjects "Biology" and "Personal Development" will also benefit
- 240 employees from 12 VET institutions
- Master-instuctors, administrators, psychologists, medical staff, -instructori, administratori, psihologi, dormitory staff, teaching staff
- 300 parents
- Parents of students from 12 VET institutions
- 450 employees from 9 business companies
Business companies collaborating with beneficiary VET institutions as part of dual education