About us
Our history

The Center of Excellence in Informatics and Informational Technologies resides in the renovated building of the first school of viticulture and winemaking from Basarabia which was founded in 1842. The main building of the college dates back to the same year. It has remained practically unchanged and, because of this, the building is considered a historical monument. Till 1966 there had been training for specialists in the field of grape growing and processing.

In this building began it's activity the Industrial-Economic College. For nearly two decades and a half here were trained thousands of economists, accountants and merchandisers for the national economy. As well, in 1986 here began training for lawyers.

The college was reorganized into the Republican Lyceum of Informatics, the first lyceum of this kind in Moldova and since 1991 it became the Republican College of Informatics from Chisinau.

The college was renamed College of Informatics in Chisinau. With the years, here were built 35 classrooms and the heating system, an artesian fountain and the sports stadium were put into operation.

Due to cooperation and foreign investment, the college was filled with last performance labs, thus passing to a new level and being renamed into Center of Excellence in Informatics and Informational Technologies. Till now this prestigious educational institution has passed and still passes through a continuous process of modernization, but still retaining the graceful architectural style of the nineteenth century.
Statistical Data
Number of teachers: 108
The institution has:
The Center of Excellence in Informatics and Informational Technologies (CEITI) is committed to providing its graduates with the highest quality education that prepares them for successful careers in information technology. To achieve this goal, CEITI has cultivated a solid network of collaborations with institutions at home and abroad.
National Collaborations:
- Vocational Education and Training Institutions: CEITI collaborates with institutions such as the Center of Excellence in Economics and Finance, the Center of Excellence in Energy and Electronics, the "Iulia Hașdeu" College from Cahul, the Polytechnic College from Bălți and others. These collaborations enable the exchange of internships, the development of mutual training programs and the facilitation of student mobility.
- Higher Education Institutions: CEITI graduates can continue their studies at prestigious universities such as the State University of Moldova, the Technical University of Moldova, the Academy of Economic Studies and the "Ion Creangă" University, both in the full-time and part-time sections.
International Collaborations: CEITI maintains active relations with educational institutions abroad, among its international partners are the IT high schools in Iași and Bucharest (Romania), the IT and Economics High School in Cluj Napoca (Romania) and the Economic College "A.J. Vetter" from Lublin (Poland). These collaborations enable the exchange of experience and innovation in the field of technology education.
The benefits of the Collaboration Network:
Developing more comprehensive and up-to-date training programs
Facilitating graduates' access to higher education
Promoting IT research and innovation
Creating a dynamic and international learning community
Our library
Every open educational institution has a role to develop and maintain educational activity. An important factor in education is also the activity of the library in providing students and teachers with documentary sources to achieve the objectives of study plans.
The library is a source of every day information, where in the activity, we are looking for new forms and methods of work with the book, corresponding to modern educational requirements.
The alternative is the reading room for all interested of books and knowledge. We ensure access to all titles of books purchased by library related to our degrees from one copy up to 10 copies and manuals of general culture up to 10 copies.
Library services include:
- Assistance in searching, finding and using information sources to support the teaching process;
- Rental at home;
- Information assistance - bibliographical and reference;
- Initiating in information culture for students of first year;
- Cultural and popular activities of the book.