Our Projects
The project "COOP-NET | The cooperation networks of the Centers of Excellence from the Republic of Moldova"
The project "COOP-NET | The cooperation networks of the Centers of Excellence from the Republic of Moldova", implemented by the OeAD Cooperation Office in the Republic of Moldova on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of Austria, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova and the European Training Foundation (ETFs).
SHIFT EDU Project "Digital Skills for Employment in the Modern Economy"
Shift Edu - Digital Competences for employment in the modern economy, implemented by the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center, with the financial support of the Austrian Agency
Development of life skills and healthy behaviors among students in technical vocational education
Develops the life skills of VET students (boys and girls, including vulnerable and disabled) to practice safe reproductive health behaviors and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Increasing the quality and efficiency of technical vocational education
The purpose of increasing the application of ICT in the pedagogical process in VET: Motivating young people and improving learning by modernizing pedagogy and using digital tools. Supporting the continuous professional development of CDs and trainers. Discussion of best practices and technical information on how to use it.
IVET Project Inclusive Education in Technical Vocational Education
Friday, May 4, 2018 in the premises of I.P. The Inclusive Education in Technical Vocational Education IVET Project was launched at the Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies.
The project "Partnerships for the quality and relevance of vocational technical education in the field of ICT in the Republic of Moldova"
On January 29, 2016, the Project "Partnerships for the quality and relevance of professional technical education in the field of ICT in the Republic of Moldova" was launched. The event took place in the premises of the Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies...
Improving the quality of technical vocational education in the field of ICT in the Republic of Moldova
The Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies from Chisinau is a member of the project "Improving the quality of technical vocational education in the field of ICT in the Republic of Moldova" implemented by the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center, in partnership with the National Association...
Orange Lab
The Orange Foundation launched a national project to support digital education in Moldova. Thus, under the umbrella of Orange Digital School, several major projects will be implemented, which will ensure access to modern infrastructure, professional expertise and quality education in the field of information technologies in our country's education. The grandiose project was launched on the occasion of the opening of the first Orange Lab...
ECONET – Promotion of the Exercise Firm
Since 2006, the Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies in Chisinau has been involved in the project "ECONET - Promotion of the Exercise Company" implemented by KulturKontakt Austria through the K-education project office in Chisinau and with the financial support of the Austrian Development Cooperation / Austrian Development Cooperation / ADC ...