Advancing Quality
Advancing Quality in ICT Vocational Education in Moldova
Computer Science College of Chisinau is member of the project Advancing Quality in ICT Vocational Education in Moldova implemented by Educational Centre PRO DIDACTICA and National Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC) and financial support ADC(AUSTRIAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION)
Contribution of ADC: 505.750 €
Total project budget: 540.697 €
Time-frame: 01.12.2012 – 31.05.2015
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the harmonization of ICT education in Moldova with labor market demands.
As a target group for the envisioned project have been selected 5 VET institutions – 3 colleges (specialty: Informatics and Computers) and 2 vocational schools (specialty: Computer operator) which will represent geographically all the country (North, South, Centre).