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The professional path of the graduates


Determining the degree of professional integration of technical vocational education graduates on the job market, as well as the transition rate of technical vocational education graduates to the next level of education

The professional integration of graduates on the job market, as well as the transition rate to the next level of education, class of 2023

Degree Employed in the field Employed in other fields Own business Continues studies Jobless Maternity leave Went abroad Others Answered the questionnaire Total graduates
Administration of WEB Applications 18 5 1 17 8 0 2 0 51 62
Database administration 17 6 2 14 1 0 2 2 44 49
Computer networks 30 17 2 29 11 0 6 0 65 75
Programming and analysis of program products 39 11 4 52 15 0 4 0 98 114
Accounting 15 6 1 28 3 0 0 0 40 53
Administrative and secretarial services 12 11 0 17 3 1 3 0 42 57
Operator for the technical support of computers 6 6 0 7 1 0 2 0 22 27
Operator for the technical support of computers - Data entry, validation and processing operator 5 7 0 6 1 0 4 0 23 30
Total CEITI 142 69 10 170 43 1 23 2 374 467

Graduate survey results

Graduate survey results 2020

Graduate survey results 2021

Graduate survey results 2022

Graduate survey results 2023

Employability in the job field is an essential criterion that expresses the achievement of IP CEITI's mission, a measure of the relevance of the study programs.

IP CEITI has developed an effective feedback mechanism with its graduates to monitor their career paths after graduation. The questionnaire will be used as a data collection tool regarding the professional career of the graduates of the given vocational training program.

Most graduates are employed in the field of work at the economic units where they carried out the Practice that anticipates the graduation exams. Economic agents request students for the internship for the purpose of testing and subsequent employment.