Vitalie Zavadschi
022 532-531
Office nr. 212 | Working schedule: 8.00 – 17.00
The practical training of students is an important part of the educational process and aims to deepen theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills in specialized training. It is carried out in practical lessons, seminars, laboratory works, internships.
“Internships are mandatory and are meant to combine the educational and professional spheres.”
The only viable system of education is the dual one, in which theory combines harmoniously, profoundly and naturally with practice. Theory and practice are interconnected, you can practice if you have learned and by practicing you have the chance to learn.
The schedule of the practical trainings
Practical trainings | Semester | Nr. of weeks | Nr. of hours | Period |
Initiation practice | II | 3 | 90 | May - June |
Instruction practice | IV | 3 | 90 | May - June |
Technological practice | VI | 4 | 120 | May - June |
Production Practice | VIII | 8 | 300 | April - June |
Practical Trainings
Obtaining the primary professional knowledge and skills, the preparation of students for the concious and in depth study of fundamental disciplines is carried out within the initiation practice. The initiation practice is carried out in CEITI classrooms or laboratories, depending on the specifics of the degree. The duration of the internship is 3 weeks.
Obtaining the primary professional knowledge and skills, the preparation of students for the concious and in depth study of fundamental disciplines is carried out within the initiation practice. The initiation practice is carried out in CEITI classrooms or laboratories, depending on the specifics of the degree. The duration of the internship is 3 weeks.
Practica tehnologică are ca scop consolidarea şi aprofundarea cunoştinţelor teoretice acumulate în procesul de studii la disciplinele de specialitate. Elevii de la specialitățile Programarea și analiza produselor program , Administrarea aplicațiilor WEB , Administrarea bazelor de date, Rețele de calculatoare, vor desfășura stagiul de practică în cadrul laboratoarelor al CEITI iar elevii de la specialităţile Servicii administrative și de secretariat, Contabilitate în cadrul unităţilor economice, organizaţii, instituţii de profil. Durata practicii tehnologice este de 4 săptămâni.
The technological practice is aimed at consolidating and deepening the theoretical knowledge accumulated in the process of studies in the specialized subjects. Student from the degrees Programming and analysis of program products, Administration of WEB applications, Database administrations and Computer networks will carry out the internship in the laboratories of CEITI, and students from the degrees Accounting and Administrative and secretarial services within economic units and organizations. The duration of the internship is 4 weeks.
The production practice is carried out within economic units and aims to train professional skills and competencies in accordance with the specifics of the tasks corresponding to each degree. The duration of the internship is 8 weeks.
At the end of the internship, the student presents the professional training agenda to the internship manager at the educational institution and submits the internship report. The title page of the report must correspond to the following model:
Model contract fot the organization and conduct of the internship - The internship that anticipates the graduation exams (Production Practice):
Practice reports presentation schedule
Students will submit the Internship Report according to the schedule:
In order to coordinate the implementation of the internship, the departments appoint internship coordinators for the student interns.
The allocation of students to all types of internships is carried out by the CEITI's director's orders, with indication of the period, time, type and location of the internship.
The method of identifying the economic unit for carrying out the internship that anticipates the graduation exams is carried out as follows:
- the economic unit is selected by the student. The analysis and validation of the practice process is carried out by the deputy director of practical trainig;
- economic unit is proposed by CEITI.
The placement of the students in the internships is anticipated by a prior training, where the students are familiar with the objectives of the internship, the content of the portfolio, the methods of evaluating the report, which is to be made, the curriculum for the internship, the main security rules to be followed be respected at the location of the internship. Internships are linked to the aims and study objectives of the program.
Upon completion of the internship, the students present the Vocational Training Agenda to the internship supervisor at the educational institution and support the internship report.
For the implementation of internships, the institution has concluded contracts/collaboration agreements regarding the implementation of students' internships, see the page.
The students present the results of the internship in front of the committee and colleagues. Thus, the assessment is public and objective. When grading, the practice report and the reference from the practice base (for those who carry out the practice outside the college) are taken into account. The marks obtained for the internship are included in the results of the respective examination sessions and are taken into account when calculating the student's average academic achievement.
Students who have not completed the internship program are not promoted to the next year of studies/are not admitted to take the qualification exams.