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Ethics Council

Members of the ethics board

No. Surname Name Position Phone Email
1 Ciobanu Andrei Interim director, computer science teacher, highest teaching degree President 022 523001 [email protected]
2 Osoianu Viorica Psychologist, professor of socio-human subjects, teaching degree I member, secretary 022 554211 [email protected]
3 Șarapanovscaia Irina Computer science teacher, President of the Trade Union Committee, teaching degree I member [email protected]
4 Lupu Doina Romanian language teacher, teaching degree I member [email protected]
5 Corasevici Tatiana Parent member

The competences of the Ethics Council

  • Examines petitions, reports and requests submitted and finds violations or non-violations of the provisions of the Code of Ethics;
  • Carry out investigations;
  • Forward to the director of CEITI, proposals regarding the sanctioning of education employees who have admitted violations of the Code of Ethics, the decisions being taken by the board of directors;
  • Elaborates recommendations regarding the application of the provisions of the Code of Ethics;
  • Promote examples of good practice in achieving the purpose of the Code of Ethics.

Legislative framework

The code of ethics of the teaching staff

Ethics Council Regulation