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Admission Specialties

During the specialized classes at PI CEITI

Specialties according to the admission plan for the 2024-2025 academic year:

Specialty/Job Profile Language of instruction Durata studiilor Form of studies Study fee (lei)
Programming and testing of program products Science Romanian / Russian 4 years Budget/Contract 13 000
WEB application development Science Romanian 4 years Budget/Contract 13 000
Computer networks Science Romanian 4 years Budget/Contract 13 000
Computer networks (Dual system) Science Romanian 2 years Budget Budget
Accountancy Science Romanian 4 years Budget/Contract 12 000
Administrative and secretarial services Humanitarian Romanian 4 years Budget/Contract 12 000
Computer Technical Support Operator - Data entry, validation and processing operator Romanian 3 years Budget Budget

Description of specialties

Programming and testing of software products

Qualification: Programmer
Professional skills
Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • develop programs or program modules;
  • test program modules;
  • implement programs;
  • monitor the correct use of the programs;
  • train users for the correct use of the programs;
  • give support to users;
  • regularly save programs;
  • restore saved programs/data, etc.

Graduates who obtain the Programmer professional qualification can work in the field of work as a Programmer, etc.

Web application development

Qualification: Web developer

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • carry out WWW service management;
  • conduct maintenance activities of the WWW service;
  • execute the testing and quality assurance of the operation of the website and web applications;
  • maintains, monitors and supports the optimal functioning of WEB sites.

Employment opportunities:

  • Web site developer;
  • Webmaster;
  • Web Designer, etc.
Computer networks

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • install, configure and support LAN, WAN, or Internet networks;
  • maintains network hardware and software systems in working condition;
  • monitors the network to ensure its availability to all system users.

Graduates who obtain the computer network technician professional qualification can engage in the field of work as a computer network technician, etc.


Professional standard:
The specialist is prepared for:

  • Organization and development of financial relations;
  • Management of accounting in different record sectors;
  • Elaboration of the internal control system;
  • Performing the analysis of the economic and financial activity of the economic unit.

Professional skills:

Upon completing the studies, the graduate is able to:

  • To use the regulations and normative acts in the field of accounting, finance, banking and capital markets;
  • To keep the accounting records of the economic unit;
  • To prepare and analyze the financial reports of the economic unit;
  • To carry out the internal control and audit of the economic unit;
  • To develop forecasts, programs and budgets within the economic unit.

Employment opportunities:

  • Accountant in public institutions, state and private economic units, commercial and insurance units;
  • Bank counter operator;
  • Foreign exchange counter operator;
  • Cashier.
Administrative and secretarial services

Professional standard:

  • Assistant manager will be able to organize, administer the secretarial service in public, private institutions, economic units, etc.;
  • Will show tolerance, respecting professional deontology in communication;
  • Will demonstrate professional competence;
  • Will use modern technologies in the organization of managerial activity.

Professional skills:

Upon completing the studies, the graduate is able to:

  • Possess theoretical knowledge in the field of administrative, legal, economic sciences;
  • Know the system of public administration in the Republic of Moldova;
  • Identify the legislative framework in the professional field;
  • Use the new information technologies in practical activities;
  • Demonstrate the ability to make decisions, aimed at improving the administration system;
  • Organize in a qualified and polite manner the reception of citizens in the audience, the work sessions of the administration, etc.

Employment opportunities:

  • References in relations with the public, workers in archives;
  • Inspectors in the civil status documents registration bodies, secretaries;
  • Specialists in human resources management, manager's assistants;
  • Office workers, court clerks.
Operator for the technical support of computers

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • assemble and troubleshoot personal computers;
  • maintain personal computers;
  • install, maintain and troubleshoot personal computer networks;
  • install, maintain and configure software products, etc.
  • use peripheral equipment, as well as data entry and processing equipment, in the process of entering, processing and validating data.

Graduates who obtain the given job can work in the field of work as Operator for the technical support of computers and Operator for entering, processing and validating data, etc.