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Continuous Formation

The Continuous Formation Section of the Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies has as its main objective the promotion of the concept of lifelong learning and offers professional training programs designed to assist you in the successful achievement of your goals both personally and professionally.

The Mission of the Continuous Formation Section

We are committed to facilitating access to innovative and up-to-date training programs to help develop a skilled workforce in step with the rapid evolution of technology.

The Vision of the Continuous Formation Section

We want to be a source of inspiration and development for IT professionals, students, master trainers, teachers, adults and anyone who wants to improve their knowledge and skills in technology.

What do we offer?

Accredited programs

tailored to your level and needs, so you can develop the skills that matter most to you

Experienced trainees

bring extensive experience and up-to-date knowledge in the field of computer science and information technology

Recognized certifications

that will strengthen your professional credibility and can help you advance in your career

We organize

Courses, events, seminars and webinars to keep you updated with the latest trends

Schedule flexibility

we offer online/physical training programs

Continuous Support

We support you in achieving your success in continuing professional education


we promote hands-on learning by applying knowledge in a simulated work environment


of the contents, reflecting the latest technology and industry trends

Monitoring and Evaluation

Through regular assessments and feedback, we help you track your progress

Vocational training programs

Training program for teachers

Name of the program: Development of digital skills of teachers

Field of professional training: 0114 Teacher training

Job/Qualification/Specialty: According to initial professional training

Number of study hours / credits: 300 hours / 10 credits

Form of organization: Frequency daily / remote

Type of certificate: Certificate of completion (CPF Series)


  1. Digital competence for development and professional ethics;
  2. Digital communication;
  3. Creation of educational digital resources;
  4. Digital classroom management;
  5. ICT-assisted assessment.

Costs:1300 lei

Advanced training program for adults

Name of the program: Operator/operators for the technical support of computers

Field of professional training: 0611 Computer use

Job/Qualification/Specialty:According to initial professional training

Number of study hours / credits: 600 hours / 20 credits

Form of organization:Frequently daily / remote

Type of certificate: Certificate of completion (CCPF Series)

Costs: 5800 lei


Name of the program: Data entry, validation and processing operator/operators

Field of professional training: 0611 Computer use

Job/Qualification/Specialty: According to initial professional training

Number of study hours / credits: 600 hours / 20 credits

Form of organization: Frequency daily / remote

Type of certificate: Certificate of completion (CCPF Series)

Costs: 5800 lei

Necessary documents

  1. Copy of the Identity Card
  2. Copy of the Diploma of studies
  3. Color photo, 3×4 cm format – 2
  4. Personal form (to be completed at the conclusion of the contract)
  5. Copy of the Act, which confirms the name change (if necessary)
  6. Collection order, which confirms the payment of the training fee according to the provisions of the Contract.

Costs and Payment Options

At the Center of Excellence in Computing and Information Technologies, we believe that quality training should never be out of reach. The costs of continuing professional education programs vary depending on the program chosen that best suits your personal and professional development needs.

Paying the training fee is simple and convenient. You have several options at your disposal, including the possibility to pay directly at the institution, using the government's MPay platform or through the bank. After signing the contract, you will receive all the necessary details, including bank details to make the payment easily.

Don't let cost be an obstacle. With our help, you can invest in your personal and professional future and develop your technology skills. Choose the vocational training program that suits you and prepare for a successful career in the IT field!





  [email protected], [email protected]     022-52-30-01

Banking info

Provider: Ministry of Finance - State Treasury

Tax code: 1007600011529

IBAN code: MD50TRPCCC518430C01424AA

Bank Code: TREZMD2X

Seminar-training "External evaluation for accreditation in professional training programs"

Between June 5 - 7, 2018 in accordance with the project "Partnerships for the quality and relevance of professional technical education in the field of ICT in the Republic of Moldova" in the premises of I.P. The Center for Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies is holding the training seminar "External evaluation for the purpose of accreditation in professional training programs" in collaboration with the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center and ANACEC.


The launch of the Inclusive Education in Technical Vocational Education project!

Friday, May 4, 2018 in the premises of I.P. The Center for Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies launched the IVET Project Inclusive Education in Technical Vocational Education.


Advanced courses for the "Assistance for databases" module

The day of 25.01.2018 marked the start of the continuous training courses in CEITI for the year 2018. The teachers from different professional and technical institutions were active in the sessions to the "Assistance for databases" module, with thoroughness and dedication despite the busy schedule and the development of countless activities.

Curiosity and aspiration for personal and professional development indicated gratifying results. Thus, on 10.02.2018, 16 teachers brilliantly supported the evaluation project.

We wish them success in their future activities!
