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Surname Name Position Phone Office Email
Ciobanu Andrei Interim director 022 523 001 1 [email protected]
Obadă Liuba Deputy director of didactic activity 022 523 986 2 [email protected]
Gabură Nadejda Deputy director for education 022 523 986 3 [email protected]
Zavadschi Vitalie Deputy director of practical training 022 531 532 212 [email protected]
Stepanov Radu Deputy Director of Household Affairs 022 503 086 6 [email protected]
Nicșan Adrian Head of didactic department no. 1 022 554 211 314 [email protected]
Pasecinic Irina Head of didactic department no. 2 022 554 211 218 [email protected]
Dumneanu Ala Head of didactic department no. 3 022 559 077 248 [email protected]
Melnic Vasile Head of didactic department no. 4 022 554 211 223 [email protected]
Lebediuc Adela Head of "Quality Assurance" department 022 523 001 136 [email protected]
Jumbei Olga Methodist 022 559 077 120 [email protected]
Osoianu Viorica Psychologist 022 554 211 228 [email protected]
Chetraru Liliana Personal service specialist 022 520 061 4 [email protected]
Arap Ina General accountant 022 523 851 5 [email protected]
Eșanu Natalia Librarian 022 559 077 Library [email protected]
Todorov Delia President of the student council 022 523 001 229 [email protected]
Reception Doorkeeper 022 523 296 Main entrance [email protected]