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The best students

List of the best students in the winter session of the academic year 2023-2024

No. Degree Group Surname Name Average grade
Year I
1. Administration of WEB Applications W-2311 Lebediuc Maria 9,89
2. Programming and analysis of program products P-2311 Carchilan Marius 9,49
3. Computer networks R-2311 Bondarenco Andrei 8,97
4. Accounting C-2312 Jian Daniela 9,05
5. Administrative and secretarial services S-2311 Televca Sofia-Alexia 9,82
6. Operator for the technical support of computers - Data entry, validation and processing operator O-2311 Ermurachi Loridana 8,61
Year II
7. Administration of WEB Applications W-2223 Belîi Alexandra 9,62
8. Programming and analysis of program products P-2223 Bînzaru Chiril 9,50
9. Database administration B-2221 Cogîlniceanu Bianca 9,10
10. Computer networks R-2221 Vizir Maximilian 9,09
11. Accounting C-2221 Fus Ionela 9,58
12. Jurisprudence J-2221 Vasiliev Ana 8,85
13. Administrative and secretarial services S-2222 Ploșnița Vlada 9,07
14. Operator for the technical support of computers O-2221 Olșanschii Nichita 8,46
15. Operator for the technical support of computers - Data entry, validation and processing operator O-2222 Arionov Daniel 8,32
Year III
16. Administration of WEB Applications W-2132 Popova Valeria 9,47
17. Programming and analysis of program products P-2131 Boaghe Mirela 9,69
18. Database administration B-2131 Bagrin Ilinca 9,09
19. Computer networks R-2131 Surdu Victor 8,87
20. Accounting C-2131 Popovici Alexandrina 9,33
21. Jurisprudence J-2131 Răilean Dumitrița 9,13
22. Administrative and secretarial services S-2132 Goltiescu Valeria 9,52
23. Operator for the technical support of computers - Data entry, validation and processing operator O-2132 Secrieru Dragoș 8,65
Year IV
24. Administration of WEB Applications W-2041 Ivanov Vadim 9,53
25. Programming and analysis of program products P-2043 Boțan Nicolai 9,68
26. Database administration B-2041 Petcu Iuliana 9,44
27. Computer networks R-2041 Chitoroagă Marius 9,35
28. Accounting C-2042 Popovici Marina 9,69
29. Administrative and secretarial services S-2042 Rusoi Daniela 9,46