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In the academic year 2023-2024 students are thought the following degrees:

Degree/Speciality Profile Year I Year II Year III Year IV
Administration of WEB Applications Science





Programming and analysis of program products Science





Database administration Science





Computer networks Science





Accounting Science





Jurisprudence Humanitarian





Administrative and secretarial services Humanitarian





Operator for the technical support of computers (Job) Science



Operator for the technical support of computers - Data entry, validation and processing operator (Job) Science




Specialities Descriptions

Administration of WEB Applications

Qualification: Website Technician

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • manage the WWW service;

  • conduct maintenance activities of the WWW service;

  • perform testing and quality assurance of the operation of the website and web applications;

  • maintain, monitor and support the optimal functioning of WEB sites.

Employment opportunities:

  • Website Technician;
  • Webmaster;
  • WebDesigner, etc.

Study plan

Information File

List of library books


Syllabus for the qualification exam

Programming and analysis of program products

Qualification: Programmer Assistant

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • develop programs or program modules;
  • test program modules;
  • implement programs;
  • monitor the correct use of the programs;
  • train users for the correct use of the programs;
  • provide assistance to users;
  • periodically save programs;
  • restore programs/saved data, etc.

Employment opportunities:

Graduates who obtain the professional qualification Programmer assistant can work as a Programmer assistant, etc.

Study Plan

Information File

List of library books


Syllabus for the qualification exam

Database administration

Qualification: Database Assistant

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • identify the informational necessities for the creation and use of the database;
  • determine the informational area of the database;
  • identify data types and their structures, modes, instructions for data processing, levels of data dissemination in the database;
  • ensure the functionality, integrity and security of the database.

Employment opportunities:

Graduates who obtain the Database Assistant professional qualification can find employment in various companies that develop and manage databases.

Study Plan

Informațion File

List of library books


Syllabus for the qualification exam

Computer networks

Qualification: Computer Networks Technician

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • install, configure and support LAN, WAN or Internet networks;
  • maintain the hardware and software systems of the network in working order;
  • monitor the network and ensure its availability to all system users.

Graduates who obtain the Computer network technician professional qualification can engage in the field of work as a computer network technician, etc.

Study plan

Information File

List of library books


Curriculum for DUAL education

Syllabus for the qualification exam


Professional standards:

The specialist is prepared for:

  • organization and development of financial relations;
  • accounting management at different accounting sectors;
  • developing the internal control system;
  • carrying out the analysis of the economic and financial activity of the economic unit.

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • use the regulations and normative acts in the field of accounting, finance, banking and capital markets;
  • keep the accounting records of the economic unit;
  • prepare and analyze the financial reports of the economic unit;
  • carry out the internal control and audit of the economic unit;
  • develop forecasts, programs and budgets within the economic unit.

Employment opportunities:

  • Accountant in public institutions, state and private economic units, commercial and insurance units.
  • Bank counter operator;
  • Currency exchange counter operator;
  • Cashier.

Study plan

Information File

List of library books


Syllabus for the qualification exam


Professional standards:
The registrar ensures, under the direction of the judge or the president of the court, the administrative and organizational support for the efficient conduct of the court such as:

  • the implementation of legislative and normative acts;
  • providing the necessary support to the judge in exercising the act of justice;
  • ensuring organizational and technical support for the smooth running of the court process;
  • drawing up the procedural documents required by the civil, criminal and contraventional procedure codes necessary to prepare the case for examination.

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • having the theoretical knowledge in the field of administrative, legal and economic sciences;
  • know the public administration system of the Republic of Moldova;
  • identify the legislative framework in the professional field;
  • use new information technologies in practice;
  • demonstrate the ability to make decisions aimed at improving the administration system;
  • organize in a qualified and polite manner the reception of citizens in the audience, the work sessions of the administration, etc.

Employment opportunities:

  • Graft service;
  • Judicial archive;
  • Secretarial service;
  • Registration service.

Study plan

Administrative and secretarial services

Professional standards:

  • The assistant manager will be able to organize, manage the secretarial services in public and private institutions, economic units, etc;
  • Will show tolerance, respecting the professional deontology in communication;
  • Will demonstrate professional competence;
  • Will use modern technologies in organization of managerial activities.

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • having the theoretical knowledge in the field of administrative, legal and economic sciences;
  • know the public administration system of the Republic of Moldova;
  • identify the legislative framework in the professional field;
  • use new information technologies in practice;
  • demonstrate the ability to make decisions aimed at improving the administration system;
  • organize in a qualified and polite manner the reception of citizens in the audience, the work sessions of the administration, etc.

Employment opportunities:

  • Public relations officers, archives workers;
  • Inspectors in the registration of civil status documents, secretaries;
  • Specialists in human resources management, manager's assistants;
  • Office workers, court registrars.

Study plan

Informational File

List of library books


Syllabus for the qualification exam

Operator for the technical support of computers

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • assemble and troubleshoot personal computers;
  • maintain personal computers;
  • install, maintain and troubleshoot personal computer networks;
  • install, maintain and configure software products, etc.

Graduates who obtain the job of Operator for the technical support of computers can engage in the field of work as Operator for the technical support of computers, etc.

Study plan

List of library books


Syllabus for the qualification exam

Operator for the technical support of computers - Data entry, validation and processing operator

Professional skills:

Upon completion of studies, the graduate is able to:

  • assemble and troubleshoot personal computers;
  • maintain personal computers;
  • install, maintain and troubleshoot personal computer networks;
  • install, maintain and configure software products, etc.

Graduates who obtain the job of Operator for the technical support of computers can engage in the field of work as Operator for the technical support of computers, etc.

Study plan

List of library books

Syllabus for the qualification exam


The most asked questions

The duration of studies for students enrolled in secondary school (9th grade) is 4 years, and for students enrolled in high school it is 2 years.

For students who were enrolled in secondary school studies, the study plan for the first 3 years of training is the study of specialized disciplines and high school subjects, according to the profile (science or humanitarian).

At the end of the third year of studies, students enrolled on the basis of secondary school studies, can voluntarily enroll in the list of candidates to take the BAC exams.

In the fourth year, the study plan provides for the study of specialized subjects only.

Studies at CEITI are completed by passing the qualification exams for specialized subjects.

The diploma of the center of excellence (college) gives the holder the right to work in the field of work according to the qualification and/or to continue his studies at higher educational institutions.